Sunday, June 21, 2009

California Department of Corrections Appointments

Chronological List of Appointments (Corrections)

Associate Warden, Correctional Administrator 1996

Facility Captain, Program Administrator 1993

Correctional Counselor III 1988

Correctional Counselor II 1984

Correctional Lieutenant, Correctional 1978

Program Supervisor III

Textile Products Factory Superintendent January –June 1984

Correctional Counselor 1 1973

Correctional Officer 1973

Special Emergency Response Team Commander June 1984-June 1986

Representative for Supervisors, California Correctional 1980

Officers Peace Officers Association (CCPOA)

My Military History

Military History

Colonel, Military Intelligence, US Army Reserve, Retired May 20, 1994

Total years of commission service: 29 years

Total years of service: 31 years

Enlisted service: Regular Army, October 1963-January 1965

Source and date of commission: Officers Candidate School, January 18, 1965

Inducted into the Officer Candidate School Hall of Fame March 2009

Record of Duty Assignments:

United States Army Reserve Assignments:

Deputy, Office of Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C., Sep 91-Jun 93

Command Duty Officer (1333), Command and Control Division, Mobilization Designee, Headquarters Pacific Command, Feb 85-Aug 90

Ground Operations Officer (1312), Current Operations Division, Mobilization Designee, Headquarters Pacific Command, Jan 83-Jan 85

Battalion Commander, 1st Battalion, 91st Division (training), Mar 80-Aug 82

Military Police Team Leader/Chief Umpire, 91st Military Training Command, Mar 78-Mar 80 Battalion Executive Officer, 3rd Battalion (Automotive), 91st Division, Mar 75-:Mar 78 Commanding Officer, Company C (Automotive Regiment), Apr 74-Dec 74

Active Duty Assignments:

S-2 Support Command, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Dee 71-Apr 71 Assistant G-2, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Mar 71-Nov 71

Analyst, Military Region Desk, J-2, Military Assistant Command, Vietnam, Feb 70-Feb 71 Commander, Company C, 3rd Basic Training Brigade, Fort nix, Jan 68-Jun 68

Test Evaluation & Military Support Coordinator, III Corps, Vietnam, Apr 67-Dec 67 Assistant Battalion Advisor, 5th Division, III Corp, Vietnam, Apr 67-Jun 67 Wounded in combat, shot through upper left arm, February 7, 1967

Assistant Battalion Advisor 21st Infantry Division, IV Corps, Dee 66-Feb 67

Officer in Charge, Survival Escape and Evasion Committee, Dee 65-Sep 66

Officer in Charge, Infiltration Course Committee, Jun 65-Dec 65

Platoon Leader, May 65-Jun 65

Officer in Charge, Firing Range Committee, Apr 65-May 65

Military Education:

Foreign Area Officer Orientation Course (resident), 1990

Command Duty Officer Certification Course (resident), 1985 Tactical Signal Intelligence Warfare Course (nonresident), 1985 National Security Management Course (nonresident), 1984

Military Police School, Advanced MP Branch Qualification Course (nonresident), 1981 Command and General Staff College (nonresident), 1979

Intelligence School, Officer Electronic Warfare E (resident), 1971

Language School, Vietnamese (resident), 1970

Intelligence School, Military Intelligence Officer Advanced Course (resident), 1969 Intelligence School, Intel Rsch Crs (counter intelligence), 1968

Kennedy Special Warfare Center, MATA Sec/U Lev (resident), 1966

Infantry School, Ranger (resident), 1965

Infantry School, Airborne Course (resident), 1965

Infantry School, Officer Candidate School (resident), 1965

Decorations, Service Medals, and Badges:

Bronze Star Medal with One Oak Leaf Cluster, 1967 & 1971 Meritorious Service Medal, 1979

Air Medal, 1967

Purple Heart, 1967

Joint Service Commendation Medal, 1970

Army Commendation Medal with "V" Device, 1967 & 1977 Army Achievement Medal, 1981

Good Conduct Medal, 1965

Vietnam Service Medal, 1967 & 1970

Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, 1981

Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star, 1967 Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal First Class, 1968 Combat Infantry Badge, 1967

Parachutist Badge

Chronological List of Appointments:

2LT January 1965

1LT June 1966

Captain 1967

Major June 1975

Lieutenant Colonel September 1979

Colonel September 1984